'Speak about Krishna, worship Krishna and teach [others] about Krishna'
Monday, November 10, 2008
Kartik Yatra Day 2
Its said that lying down on the ground in Sri dhama is equivalent to offering obeisances to the Lord. So after some sleep, IYF boys started getting up. Quite a few were ready in their pristine white dhoti kurtas, neat tilaks chanting their rounds. The effulgent devotees chanting the holyname always seem to be like vishnudutas. Such an auspicious sight. The usual routine followed then which takes quite a time for me.
Kartik is a special time in Vrindavan. Devotees from India and rest of the
world visit Sri Dhama to recharge their spiritual batteries. Srila Prabhupada used to say that Dham Yatra is the fruit of the devotional service performed round the year. So because of so many devotees, having nice and satisfying darshans of lord during mangala arati is difficult. So to avoid being left standing in the courtyard, devotees start moving inside the temple hall before the kirtan ends at Prabhupada's Samadhi. Inside the temple hall uninterrupted harinama keeps going. The portion in front of Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundara is already filled with Matajis. I guess it has been like that always. No grudges for that, but sometimes it becomes impossible to capture a good shot of the altar. So as the clock strikes 4:30, the grand doors of the 3 altars open and from inside appear the personal attendants of their lordships. The powerful sound of blowing conches makes the environment auspicious, announcing that soon the lord will be appearing to give joy to the heart of devotees. The curtains open and there THEY are. Dressed simply without many ornaments and garlands, yet the most beautiful objects of vision in the whole universe. I particularly station myself in front of Krishna Balaram. Slowly the vibhavari shesha prayers begin after a roar of jaya radha shyamsundar and krishna balaram ki jaya.
The kirtan is melodious and soft that one can distinctly hear the ringing of bells in the altar. This can be experienced even if one hears the recorded version. "Vibhavari Sesa, Alok Pravesa. Nidra Chhari Utho Jiva. Bolo Hari Hari, Mukunda Murari, Rama Krishna Hayagriva........" Devotees get lost while hearing the transcendental names and qualities of the supreme lord and drinking the nectar of the unlimited and unsurpassable beauty of the forms of the lord. The prayer depicts the whole Vrindavan and one can remember about the pastimes the two heroes must have performed. In fact the very position, the two princes stand is like they are observing the miserable conditioned souls and out of mercy are inviting them to join their eternal pastimes. Balaramaji's arm resting on Krishna's shoulder - and cows sitting at their feet - a direct scene from Goloka Vrindavan. Srila Prabhupada has given us a philosophy which is the summit in spirituality and then the beautiful deities to kep us attracted. A very dear friend has a inner desire to dress and decorate the two brothers once in this lifetime.
The Kirtan that follows is extremely soothing. By this time the jubilation is evident on the devotees' face. They are tapping their feets, smiling, as if talking to the deities, calling out to Sri Guru, Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and Radharani to help them come out of the deplorable situation of material existence and bestow the highest benediction of pure devotional service at the lotus feet of their lordships.
The Kirtan fades with devotees already feeling the mood of separation, for soon the altars will close and the deities will be no more visible. That day, Deena Nayak Prabhu led the Narasimha prayers in his sweet voice. Then is the time for announcements. These announcements
are very typical to IKCON and have become part and parcel of the temples' daily routine. It starts with declaring the book distribution scores for the pleasure of the deities, srila Prabhupada and the Vaishnavas, Then the big altar doors close concealing behind them the object of everyone's affection. In Kartik, it is mostly Devamrita Prabhu making the announcements. I remember it like I heard recently "we welcome all the devotees who have just arrived in Sridhama Vrindavan and we wish them a pleasant stay. We also welcome 1200 devotees who have come from New Delhi and NCR." "Today the Braja parikrama Yatra will move from so and so place to such and such place, devotees who are interested can board the buses immediately after these announcements which are standing right outside the temple." And so on....so very reminiscent of Kartik Yatra.
Tulasi Arati time: Two Aratis simultaneously go on. One in the
7:00 AM we were supposed to report in Phogla
It was Nidhi Vana this time, where Shyamanand Prabhu found anklebells of Srimati Radharani and subsequently blessed by her. Its an area densly covered with small height trees.I guess they were Tulasi shrubs. I could hear Mohanrupa Prabhu's voice from far away. In the midst of the forest was the Vishakha Kund situated deep below the ground level. There were a row of stairs to get there. After doing acaman and dipping our beads in the holy water, we proceeded further. I walked fast to catch up with the main party, as I could hear Mohanrupa Pr describing the pastimes and philosophy. Near the end of the way
Our next destination SevaKunj, which was near by. There is a temple right at the start with Lalita Kund in the adjacent vicinity. There we heart from a young brajwasi boy about the pastime of Srimati Radharani getting into Mana and Krishna - the reservoir of all rasas serving her. The whole narration was rendered poetically which also made it humorous. At the end the boy asked everyone to laugh loudly. Everybody did. However the last sentence made Brahmacaris to stop and think. He said, "Jo yahan hasta hai, kehte hain usi ka ghar basta hai" (One who laughs here, settles in family life soon). Then we headed back to Phogla Ashram for Prasadam.
Then later on feasting upto neck, we got ready to go back to KB temple. Demodarastakam Prayers were over. But the atmosphere in the KB temple was magical. It was something indescribable. Oh! It was something heavenly. It must have been trancendental also, but I do not know how to distinguish between two. Stepped up in the temple hall. There on the extended platform was seated His Holiness Kadamba Kanan Maharaja was leading the kirtan and besides him was ISKCON Kirtan Samrat - His Grace Aindra Prabhu. Believe me it was unbelievable. The mahamantra was resounding everywhere. Devotees were dancing. Not a corner was left in the hall and the courtyard. I won't write anymore because I am incapable of describing it anymore.
After this AGP, Saurabh Pr and me went to Govindas as previously decided. But I was too
Kartik Yatra Day 1
October 17, 2008.
Faridabad devotees joined us on the way. I stuck a good friendship with one of them, Vaikuntha Murti Prabhu, who I had gone with last year on Srila Prabhupada Disappearance Day. We reached SriDhama by 10:00 AM. After reaching respective ashrams, devotees proceeded towards Phogla Ashram for breakfast. After this there was a lecture scheduled by Sridham Prabhu (ACBSP) where he explained the significance of Spiritual Master-Disciple relationship and the absolute necessity of being surrendered to Guru's instruction rather than acting whimsically on the path of devotion. The MC of the whole 3 day program was HG Vidur Priya Prabhu.
Muktidata Prabhu was to lead the damodar prayers and the subsequent kirtan. However I went to the Devotee prasadam hall at the back of temple, where senior and resident devotees
assemble for offering lamps and singing Damodarashtakam. I had heard about the uniqueness of this program from Gaurav(Blr) Prabhu. The special thing about this place is that after the damodar prayers a special prayer from Bhagvatam sung by the beautiful damsels of Vraja - the Gopi Geet is sung. In the temple hall, Muktidata Prabhu was making devotees jump up and down and dance ecstatically to his Kirtans. I joined back the main group again at 8:45 pm. By this time the congregation of dancing devotees had reach the Samadhi Mandir. There was loud uproar of Jaya Prabhupada Jaya Srila Prabhupada in all directions. The kartalas and midangas made a tumultuous sound which echoed in the Samadhi Mandir. Devotees were in no mood to leave and not a least bit tired. We then returned to our Sleep over bases. IYF boys had stationed at ....... Guesthouse on the Braj Parikrama Marg. Me, Nand Gopal Prabhu, and Saurabh Prabhu then sat talking while sipping hot milk and feasting on the light weight crispy rice. Went to bed late, knowing we had to get up early morning.
श्री वृन्दावन धाम की जय
Prelude to Kartik Yatra
This time I decided to go for Kartik Yatra with Delhi devotees. The yatra was scheduled for 17, 18, and 19 of October. That meant I wouldn't be able to attend any festivals this time around. But this time I was really intent of having association of devotees from Delhi, because otherwise its only 10-15 minutes when I visit temple. Later it came to be known that we will also be missing Guru Maharaj's (H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj) personal association, as he would be in Mumbai for RGB meetings.
Finally it was revealed that it was good I decided to go that time, because If I would have delayed my yatra by 1 week, I would have completely missed it. I had to come to Pune for a project one week later for a project.
So I took a flight from Bangalore to Delhi on 15th night. Reached home past midnite. Next day was mostly relaxed and preparation for the yatra. in the eve I went to Radha Parthasarathi Mandir. As this would be the only eve I would get to offer lamp to their lordships. Met many devotees including Ajita Govind Prabhu and Saurabh Prabhu. Had brought Prasadam from Bangalore, so got to opportunity to serve the same to Mohan Rupa Prabhu. I didnt want to go away, but had to. Had to come back early morning the next day to start for yatra.
Reached home, had prasadam and then packed for the yatra and went to bed quite late. Couldn't wate to get up for exciting next 3 days.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Saurabh Pabhu
Met him in Pune for the first time when he had come to do his summer internship there. My
misfortune that I could not attend him properly due to my ignorance of such dealings. After that Prabhuji called me several times from Delhi and also invited me once to stay a day in DCE Bace.
It was in Bangalore when Ajita Govinda Prabhu was leaving that I realized that Saurabh prabhu was his junior in DCE and highly revers him. This common thing made me saw a good friend in him. Then gradually over time I got more of his association during Janmashtmi and Kartik Yatra.
In the footsteps of his senior, he also has limitless love and desire for association of his shiksha guru: His Grace Mohan Rupa Prabhu. He has read Srila Prabhupada's small books twice,
Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam (all 12 Cantos) and Sri Caitanya Caritamrita (adi, madhya
and antya lila). He also leads the DCE Bace and is inspiring many boys in DCE for spiritual
Its his greatness that he affords me his friendship, because friendship can be between equals.
krsna se tomara, krsna dite paro,tomara sakati ache
ami to’ kangala, ‘krsna ‘krsna ‘boli’,dhai tava pache pache
Updated on 12 October 2012: He graduated from DCE, went on to start up a venture in partnership with one of his senior. A successful hotshot, featured in one of the business magazines. Right now He is off to foreign lands to pursue further studies.
Ajita Govinda Prabhu
(Anuj Gupta)
"A Vaishnava is a touchstone" - this statement becomes a matter of fact in association of Ajita Govind Prabhu. His mere presence inspires one to render devotional service to the
Supreme Lord and his devotees.
I met prabhuji in Delhi once, before I moved to Bangalore to stay with him in Surabhi Kunj. He was the first one there who made me feel comfortable as if at home and accompanied me anywhere I wanted to go. He teaches by his behaviour that a devotee does not have even a moment to spare for mundane activities. He was always absorbed in reading Prabhupada books if not rendering any other seva. I never saw him indulging in prajalpa.
His deterred love for his shiksha guru - His Grace Mohan Rupa Prabhu is infectious. It
was because of his mercy that I got in touch with Mohan Rupa Prabhu who so kindly accepted
to guide me. Ajita Govinda Prabhu always instills the idea of glorifying the devotees and their godly qualities which result in cultivating the same qualities in oneself.
My fortune of having his constant association was shortlived as he decided to move to Delhi
for a higher cause. Prabhuji is currently serving at Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi Mandir,
Updated on 12 Oct 2012: He is engaged in school preaching. Organises Gita Saar Contest every year for school childrens and recently published a book on Value Education with help from Paramhansa Pran Prabhu.
Chakravarti Prabhu
(Chandresh Devnani)
Apurva Gopal Prabhu introduced us. He became a very close friend of mine. Though the first time we met was quite funny which would be too much to be described over here. At that time we were both in the final year of our MBA and in same University, different colleges.
I would say it was his dedication and seriousness towards spiritual life which made me stop and check back mine. He has an amazing sincerity towards his shiksha guru (which primarily mean the instructions). It's in him where i see what following an instruction means. He has such great love and devotion to serve and please his spiritual master which I can't even
begin to fathom.
He is an avid reader of Prabhupada books and regularly shares the nectar with all.
Prabhuji is currently working with Wipro, based in Chennai.
Updated on 12 october 2012: He left his job in 2010 and since then as per the instruction of his Guru maharaja, he has joined full time and serving at ISKCON Juhu.
Apurva Gopal Pr
(Arun Wadhwani)
His entry into my life was like a hurricane that fast tracked me on the path of devotional service. Met him at the most unexpected place - a Cricket Ground, where we had assembled to watch a Symbiosis cricket match which had been forcefully thrusted upon us. The first conversation we struck and it revived my enthusiasm which had been a little low those days. It would not be an understatement if I would use the word "Overhaul" that he did to my spiritual life. The list of things that I came to do and understood because of his inspiration is inexhaustibly long. Foremost is Chanting 16 rounds and attending Mangala Arati regularly at Pune.
Prabhuji, hails from Bahrain where housed are his most cherishable deities Sri Sri Radha
Parthsarathi. His whole family is initiated. He is an expert cook and an expert deity dresser. Pretty much expert at anything related to devotional service. His enthusiasm is contagious and will catch up with even the most lazy lethargic ignorant person.
Currently he is pursuing Bhakti Shastri course and the final year of his Masters in Business
ekaki amara, nahi paya bala,hari-nama-sankirtane
tumi krpa kori: sraddha-bindu diya,deho’ krsna-nama-dhane
Jugal Kishor Prabhu
After H.G. Sri Keshav Prabhu left to serve in Sridhama Vrindavan, H.G. Jugal Kishor Prabhu took the charge of our group along with H.G. Jaya Nitai Prabhu. Prabhuji is very gentle, caring and so tolerant of a rascal like me. He took the whole group to Sri Pandharpur dhama.
He knew perfectly well, how much freedom anyone needed and accordingly counseled and preached them. Even when I left Pune, Prabhuji out of his causeless mercy kept in touch and regularly ask me about my sadhna.
Without the constant prayers and wellwishes of pure genuine devotees like Jugal Kishor Prabhu, my spiritual advancement would have suffered the same meltdown that the current global economic situation is facing these days.
All Glories to Jugal Kishor Prabhu and his gentle Vaishnava Qualities.
Ravindra Caitanya Prabhu
(Rohit Tela)
Caring is the first quality that comes to my mind when I think of him. I met him in the very first Bhaktivriksha session I attended atSri Sri Radha Kunjabihari Temple, ISKCON Pune. He very mercifully dropped me back at my place as I was unaware of the roads of Pune. This practice went for quite long even when I was well aquainted of the routes and buses, answering all my stupid and intelligent questions with a calmness and seriousness that is so rare. He tolerated me While I was a fool, immature neophyte (I still am). He used to help me
understand the most difficult of philosophical points with much ease. The one conversation I had with him about one of the most important question in one's spiritual life: Choosing a Spiritual Master is one of my most cherished memory of him. He gave me very nice instructions in his own humble way to help me tread the path of spirtual advancement without obstruction.
Prabhuji is now attending a Bhakti Shastri course at Mayapur.
Update on 12 Oct 2012: He is serving full time @ Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari Temple, ISKCON Pune since last 3-4 years now.
Nandgopal Jivan Prabhu
(Narendra Naulakha)
The first time I saw him was long back when I had just started going to temple. My first ever Sunday class which I went to on my own accord. There he was, a thin looking young boy entering the class somewhat late and taking a big(tht
was really big) register to make notes. It was all a first time experience for me. We got friendly only after I went to pune for MBA and visited back. It was surprising for me. Many devotees who I had not talked to before all came and met me as if I was long known to them. It seemed they missed me, probably they really missed me, but I know in my heart that I had done nothing to deserve that treatment from such nice devotees. I was nothing then (now I am worse). But I guess devotees are like that, ready to spread love and compassion without discrimination. Our friendship gradually developed over time.
Prabhuji is also the acclaimed author and editor of the Krishna Conscious e-Magazine - The Higher Taste, a service he has been rendering at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi under the guidance of H.G. Mohan Rupa Prabhu.
His business makes him travel around India, where he collects many Krishna Conscious stuff that he can lay his hands on.
Very enthusiastic, dedicated and friendly devotee.
Vaishnav Thakur Ki Jai !!!!
Pandav Prem Prabhu
Pandav Prem Das
(Pankaj Jain)
Again one of the devotees who I came in contact with initially. I do not remember how I started talking to him. But as long as my memory serves me, I remember meeting him in Vrindavan in Kartik the very next day I met him for the first time and then in the auditorium where Final Lesson was being shown. Thereafter we sat for prasadam and he very gently inspired me to start chanting with one round and take up the reading of Bhagvad Gita As It Is. Pandav Prem
Prabhu also got initiated along with Avyanga Prabhu in Jan 2006 from His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja in Delhi.
Prabhuji is an avid reader of Bhagvad Gita and understands the message very nicely. He also gives classes on Bhagvad Gita to IYF Devotees on Sunday. And he always stresses on reading the Prabhupad's book. He is always full of appreciation for the sacred Bhagvad Gita as It Is. I wish I get even a small percentage of that love and understanding for it that he has.
Also I remember he helped me to buy my first ever beads and bead bag.
All Glories to Pandav Prem Prabhu.
(Pankaj Jain)
Again one of the devotees who I came in contact with initially. I do not remember how I started talking to him. But as long as my memory serves me, I remember meeting him in Vrindavan in Kartik the very next day I met him for the first time and then in the auditorium where Final Lesson was being shown. Thereafter we sat for prasadam and he very gently inspired me to start chanting with one round and take up the reading of Bhagvad Gita As It Is. Pandav Prem
Prabhu also got initiated along with Avyanga Prabhu in Jan 2006 from His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja in Delhi.
Prabhuji is an avid reader of Bhagvad Gita and understands the message very nicely. He also gives classes on Bhagvad Gita to IYF Devotees on Sunday. And he always stresses on reading the Prabhupad's book. He is always full of appreciation for the sacred Bhagvad Gita as It Is. I wish I get even a small percentage of that love and understanding for it that he has.
Also I remember he helped me to buy my first ever beads and bead bag.
All Glories to Pandav Prem Prabhu.
Avyanga Prabhu
(Atul Gupta )
Avyanga Prabhu is one of those first devotees who gave shelter to a fallen soul like me and inspiration for taking up Krishna Consciousnes. He has great love for his deities Sri Jagannath Baldev Subhadra and Gopalji. He has a nice altar at his home and each festival he offers beautiful dresses to their lordships. He is an expert at all the deity related activities. He cooks very nicely for the lord and its often that Jagannath gets to fest on 64 bhoga items and more.
Avyanga Prabhu is one of those first devotees who gave shelter to a fallen soul like me and inspiration for taking up Krishna Consciousnes. He has great love for his deities Sri Jagannath Baldev Subhadra and Gopalji. He has a nice altar at his home and each festival he offers beautiful dresses to their lordships. He is an expert at all the deity related activities. He cooks very nicely for the lord and its often that Jagannath gets to fest on 64 bhoga items and more.
Prabhuji pinged me in response to my mail to yahoo group asking about IYF activities. There was no looking back after then. We used to chat, exchange mails, talk for hours everyday, where Prabhuji mercifully revealed the message of Krishna. He guided me how to practicaly lead a KC life. I met him for the first time a month later at Jagannath Rath yatra in Delhi in Nov 2005. He then introduced His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj - his then aspired spiritual master. He invited me to his diksha ceremony where I witnesses for the first time the process of initiation. I know many devotees who got initiated that time like Archit Prabhu, Nandgopal Jivan Prabhu, Pandav Prem Prabhu, Akshar Prabhu, Sundar Gopal Prabhu, Vaman dev Prabhu and many others.
Avyanga Prabhu played a very significant role in my Krishna Conscious life and is a contant source of love and care. He is very gentle, caring, expert and possessor of other brahminical qualities.
I offer my obeisances to this great vaishnava and beg for his constant association.
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