New faces, clean new slates to start with, forging new friendships, developing new crushes with same old gut wrenching feelings. Life was usual. We had many outings arranges to which i didn't wish to be a part of. Singhad Fort,

It wasn't long since the regular life started taking a toll on all the goodie goodie stuff, everyone dreams about. 90%boys were broken hearted as it came to their surprise, that 95% of the gals were engaged or commited. The crushes developed into more intense crushes, raising expectations to the next level, where most people are not able to stand. Committee work having an effect of its own, friendships becoming more and more bitter. People turning negative, jealous, indifferent and aggressive.
The FUN ?
Where has it all gone,
Where has it all gone,
Where has it all gone,
Where has it gone...?
Then we went to MRA....agin the spirit of enjoyment surged like a phoenix rises from its ashes. But this was short term, almost 4 days and 3 nights long. It was a fad, practical manifestation of a recently learnt concept in marketing. Fad - short term fashion.. The relations got strained, friends got more professional, more distant, more diplomatic, more intolerable. And life continues at SITM.
So much so for the background. The sum total of all this has been succintly stated by Sri Krishna in Bhagwad Gita as " dukhalayam, asaswatam".........That this world is ,first, full of miseries and second, temporary. So no no matter how much we try, and how much we endeavor for happiness, we'll only get is more misery, hopelessness and suffering. For there is no such thing as happiness in this world. Its an illusion, that people run after. And even if someone is happy, very soon his illusionary happiness would leave him. Who can describe a creation better than the creator. And if Krishna is calling it that, it has to be that.
The only real happiness is in.....guess what.....surrendering to this very same person, lord Mukunda, the Vrajendranandana, the Radha kanta. For he is the most magnanimous, merciful and big hearted. He is welcoming all of us to his opulent house to enjoy with him. So LET'S GO, Lets go back to GODHEAD.