'Speak about Krishna, worship Krishna and teach [others] about Krishna'
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Dharmakshetre Kurukshetre
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Illumination 3
Monday, June 22, 2009
Haridwar - The holy city
**ISKCON centre at Bhima Gauda, it is a small preaching centre, looked over by HH Nav Yogendra Swami Maharaja. A big temple is also coming up on the Prabhupada Road to Rishikesh. I guess.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Farewell to a loved one.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Illumination 2

It is very important to have apersonal inspiration with Srila Prabhupada when hearing his lectures. That is to meditate that the instructions that Srila Prabhupada are giving in the lecture are for me and not just lecture he delivered in the distant past. Srila Prabhupada is the Founder Acarya and Shisksha Guru of every single soul who has come or will ever come to ISKCON. This will increase our understanding of what Prabhupada is saying and will have a much greater impact on our consciousness. This way we can be more Krishna Conscious while remembering the instructions in the lecture or Bhaktivedanta Purports.
World is Not Safe
World is not safe
Aila, a cyclone that recently hit the coastal West Be
ngal and

the area. The death toll mounted to 800 and affected more than 400,000 people. Well, nobody was there to save them from the natural disaster. The hospital, where people go for getting a treatment but end up worse? Recently a fire at a western Turkish hospital left eight intensive care unit patients dead. Mike Tyson – the boxing champion, the powerful man could not save his own 4-year-old daughter when her neck apparently got caught in a treadmill cord at her
slasher movies like Saw and Final Destination. Yes! the depictions in the movie may seem highly unlikely but actually they are happening everywhere. This was evident when eleven people were killed and forty were injured due to wire breaking down at a free concert by Moroccan pop star Abdelaziz Stati.
These numbers probably are too less to give us a jolt. But the recent
Once Srila Prabhupada, with his disciples was flying in a plane. Owing to bad weather the plane experienced some turbulence. After landing, the pilot announced that they landed safely. The disciples also sighed in relief repeating that they are safe now. Srila Prabhupada said, "Material
world is never a safe place. Danger is there at every step".
Srimad Bhagavatam also declares the same sentiment
samasrita ye pada-pallava-plavam
mahat-padam punya-yaso murareh
bhavambudhir vatsa-padam param padam
padam padam yad vipadam na tesam
Vipadam means dangerous position; Padam padam, every step in this material world; na tesam - not for the devotee.
So in this material world we may try our best to live very peacefully, but nature will not allow us. There must be calamity, war and death. Especially we see in European history, there were so many wars: Carthaginian war, Greek War, Roman War, Seven Years' War between
Then what is the solution? How do we protect ourselves from this onslaught where everyone is bound to die.
Srimad Bhagavatam gives us the answer.
etat saḿsūcitaḿ brahmaḿs
yad īśvare bhagavati
karma brahmaṇi bhāvitam
[SB 1.5.32]
O Brāhmana Vyāsadeva, it is decided by the learned that the best remedial measure for removing all troubles and miseries is to dedicate one's activities to the service of the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead [Śrī Krsna].
The most feasible and practical way to open the path of salvation or get relief from all miseries of life is to hear submissively the transcendental activities of the Lord from the right and bona fide sources. This is the only remedial process. The entire material existence is full of miseries. People have manufactured, many remedial measures for removing the threefold miseries pertaining to the body and mind, pertaining to the natural disturbances and in relation with other living beings. The whole world is struggling very hard to exist out of these miseries, but men do not know that without the sanction of the Lord no plan or no remedial measure can actually bring about the desired peace and tranquility.

The remedial measure to cure a patient by medical treatment is useless if it is not sanctioned by the Lord. To cross the river or the ocean by a suitable boat is no remedial measure if it is not sanctioned by the Lord. We should know for certain that the Lord is the ultimate sanctioning officer, and we must therefore dedicate our attempts to the mercy of the Lord for ultimate success or to get rid of the obstacles on the path of success. The Lord is all-pervading, all-powerful, omniscient and omnipresent. He is the ultimate sanctioning agent of all good or bad effects. So we should always depend on Krsna’s assurance. In any circumstances, any dangerous position, Krsna… Avasya raksibe krsna visvasa palana. This is surrender. We should, therefore, learn to dedicate our activities unto the mercy of the Lord.
Chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra is the prescribed method for this age to attract Lord’s mercy.
So Please chant Hare Krishna……….Hare Hare and be happy.
Illumination 1
Mohan Rupa Prabhu told Saurabh Prabhu told me:
Dealings with Contemporary Devotees, ie Devotees with whom one shares a friendly relationship.
· Respect amongst devotees should be heartfelt.
Not just an outwardly show.
· Reveal your mind to each other and enquire about
other realizations.
· When together, focus on discussing Krsna Katha,
otherwise tendency is there to drift towards prajalpa.
This tendency results from the common aspects like age/interests etc.
· Render service to the devotee sincerely, i.e the
underlying principle of loving relationship.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

- The demoniac man knows no limit to his desire to acquire money.
- He does not hesitate to act in any sinful way for illegal gratification.
- He believes in his own strength, and he does not know that whatever he is gaining is due to his past good deeds.
- Anyone who comes into competition with such a demoniac man is his enemy.
- Each demoniac person thinks that he can live at the sacrifice of all others.
- Demoniac preacher tells his followers: "Why are you seeking God elsewhere? You are all yourselves God! Whatever you like, you can do. Don't believe in God. Throw away God. God is dead."
- The demoniac accept that the enjoyment of the senses is the ultimate goal of life.
- But one who is demoniac has no knowledge of Vedic scripture, nor has he any faith; therefore he feels free to do anything for sense enjoyment, regardless of the consequences.
- They make a show of performing sacrifices, or they worship the demigods, or manufacture their own God.
The Real Enemy
The Real Enemies

In the wake of recent happenings in Mumbai, the thought that so many innocent lives were taken is very disturbing. It’s natural to conclude the reason for the brutal acts like this to be the most apparent one. We feel that
Throughout the history of world we see many such incidents. The primitive
There are various aspects to these incidents, however if were to find a real and permanent solution we would have to go to the deep depths of human nature, where lies the root of this problem. Real enemies of humanity are not some group or alliance of people, but the very ugly propensities ingrained in them from long. These are lust, greed, anger, envy, illusion and pride. Time and again we have seen that the perpetrators of the most gruesome crimes are driven by one or more of the above mentioned traits. Be it Napoleon (greed), Hitler (envy for Jews),
Each one of us is affected to different degree and our real nature is held hostage by these ugly propensities or terrorists! We have no hopes on our own; they are extremely powerful, dangerous and well armed! Our only hope for rescue from such treacherous conditions is external help – the commandos!
The timeless Vedic knowledge from Bhagavad Gita have throughout

history been working like commandos, destroying the ugly propensities (lust, greed, anger, envy, illusion and pride) in the hearts of people who ever sought their sincere help. Bhagavad Gita warns us of the serious consequences if we ignore this most important matter for ourselves and this world: For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy (as it serves as the h
ead quarters for these ugly propensities).
One of the most important practices mentioned in Vedic knowledge for our times(Kali Yuga) to win this war is to incessantly Chant the Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare and make our lives peaceful, happy and sublime – even amidst all the insanity of this world.
For more information, please feel free to contact:
Roots of Secularism

Religious Extremism v/s Secular Extremism
To start with, let us revisit the definition of Secularism. A secular state is a state or country that is officially neutral in matters of religion, neither supporting nor opposing any particular religious beliefs or practices. A secular state also treats all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and does not give preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion over other religions. Atheism is about not believing in god, in other words, denying the existence of god.
Some time back, there was a nice poem circulating in the chain mails that caught my attention. It described how through the history of
On scrutinizing study of the religions of the world, any intelligent man can recognize that the underlying principles are the same. They can be summarized as:
· God is one, the supreme.
· Love God - This includes chanting his name, worshipping him.
· We, the living entities (humans, animals & plants) are all his children.
· Be a good human being - cultivate honesty, compassion, mercy.
· Restrain from sinful life - stealing, killing, adultery etc
The details, terminology may differ a little bit, but the goal remains the same. But deluded by greed, lust and anger, we have forgotten this. And in the name of religion we are either waging wars or turning totally deaf to the message of God. People ask, "If God is there and if religion is so perfect than why are the things happening in the world that are happening?" If a person is given instructions and follows them whimsically, then only a dull headed lame person would conclude that the instructions are wrong and should be done away with.
Similar is the present condition of our country today. Thanks to the sponsorship by the state, our great spiritual culture is withering away. There may be many committees formed for maintaining peace, but no matter how many peace keeping forces be created and deployed, but no peace can come unless we take the message of god in all earnest.
In Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna declares "samah sarvesu vedesu", i.e. one who knows oneself to be a part and parcel of the supreme god, has a vision of equality and then he sees all equal. What to speak of human beings, he considers even a cow, an elephant, a brahmana, a dog and a dog eater at same level. Why? Because he sees the supreme self in all. This principle brings us to real secularism. Roots of secularism are thus embedded in the religion – True religion. Artificially trying to turn the country into a godless society will only lead to demoniac results. Recent unfortunate events of Mumbai are one of them.