This week got a chance to have the darshans of the richest deity of world - Lord Tirupati Balaji This temple is located at Tirumala Hill in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
All thanks to my friend Arpit (my college friend), who was more than enthusiastic to accompany me to the auspicious dham। We

So we boarded the bus at 10:00 p.m. the bus was AC and had superb reclining chairs, making the journey all the more comfortable. We reached Tirupati by 02:30 a.m. and got tickets for the darshan. The ticketing system is highly IT-enabled, for it took a digital photo and a fingerprint of every pilgrim. Anyways we got the reporting time of 01:00 p.m the same day itself.
We were then taken to a hotel for getting fresh. We were to report in the lounge by 04:30 am. But as usual we were late. But coming down, we saw the lounge was empty and there was no one in the bus either. Then an old couple came and on enquiry got to know that reporting time was 05:00 a.m.. So I decided to listen to some kirtan on my i-pod, while Arpit went outside to feel the fresh air. Just then he saw our bus pass by. It dawned upon us that the bus standing outside was not ours but of a different group and their reporting time was 5:00 am, not ours. But the problem was resolved as both the buses belonged to the same tour agency.
So then we visited Padmavati temple. The temple is located in the heart of city. No electronic item is allowed inside the temple. To facilitate pilgrims, there is a locker facility where a police man registers the person and keeps their mobiles safely. There's a ticket for darshan that costs 25/- per individual.
Then we came back to the same hotel. Our original bus was standing there. We rushed for the breakfast, as our bus passengers had already done away with theirs. We boarded the governmen run bus which takes us uphill to Tirumala Devasthanam. The journey was scenic and a bit too taxing for my poor companion. He always get sick while travelling in bus. On the way we discussed some philosophy. Now he is a Jain by religion, but he knows somethings about hindu culture too. The fact that he was excited to visit Tirupati, says it all. We talked about Buddhist philosphy, that how Lord Buddha tricked people away from vedic culture which was totally polluted down the ages and how Shankaracharya brought people back to vedic culture. The whole situation can be compared to formatting a pc when it's files get corrupted and then re-installing the OS.
Reached uphill within an hour or so. Then our guide asked us to assemble back at the bus drop point by 9:00 AM, so we had 1 hour to our discretion. Did some shopping for my friend Priyanka.
Later we proceeded for the waiting area, where we sat till 12:30 pm to get to the queue. Mind you this waiting is to join the queue, then it takes more time. Finally we got to the temple compound after long 3 hours. Mind you the queue is not 1 person wide , but a corridor. So there is a lot of pushing, crushing and suffocating. Be prepared for a minor discomfort.

The temple is so constructed that at every turn you'll feel that now you'll see the divine form of Lord Venkateshvara, but you keep on moving. Different queues keep on joining, like tributaries join a river.
The sanctum sanctorum is all gold। It seems so. And the moment you enter the door and take a turn left, there HE is. The dark one, wearing glittering dresses and a big white tilak. People cry out his name "Govinda" in love and devotion. The moment you see him, all the effort put in seems worth it.
Then we were pushed out after being inside for about 30 seconds or so. Outside on the walls the whole pastime of Lord Tirupati is described. Through the big glass window, you can see the counting going on. Huge sacks filled with notes and coins are emptied and many people are sitting there to count them.
I also met one ISKCON devotee. Lord knew my desire and fulfilled it. He was from Hyderabad and had been to this place many times. He had attended the Mangala Arotik at Radha Govind & Ashtasakhi Temple and then came up here. He filled me in on a tip that its best to stay at ISKCON dormitory and come up with the book distributing party. They people have good contacts with Tirupati Management. We then parted our ways and proceeded towards the exit. Arpit & me also got parted at the entrance as i had a bag which needed to be passed through security systems. We got together after having darshans separately. Then we got two complementary Laddoos. They were big, full of dry-fruits and delectable. (Tirupati Mahaprasadam ki Jai).
We then boarded our bus and journeyed back to the hotel. Had our at approximately 4:30 pm. Then we boarded our comfortable bus back for Bangalore. I slept through most of the journey.
It was a great experience. Thank you krishna for getting me to Bangalore and giving me this chance.
Varsha travels claim to be experts in handling package trips to Tirupathi, but my experience with them was very very bad, the Scheduled departure from indiranagar was 09:30pm, but the bus Came at 10:45pm and the seats alloted was not in order they leave the passengers to solve it on their own, then at K.R.PURAM they made us get down and transferred to another BUS by the time this process gets over its 11:45pm in the night, so overaall they make you hang around in Bangalore itself for around 2½ hrs. These guys are amaetures, and inspite of taking Rs.750/- for the package tour, they left us for Dharma Darshan which is Free Darshan. and they make Rs.50/- extra per ticket by doing this. these guys are real cheats, they try to make money out of every small things. the bus had many aged people and very small babies who had to go thru this RUT. please dont' use VARSHA TRANSPORT for TIRUPATI atleast. and i vouch for ITDC or GREENLINES
In my past experiences with Greenlines the schedule begins at 9:30pm at indiranagar and arrives at tirupathi at around 2:30am, he now takes you to the finger print process and generally darshan timings given are at 1000am, now he brings you to the hotel puts each family in a room and gives 1 hour for freshening up, by now its around 4:30am, he gives you a Buffet Breakfast and takes you to Padmavathi Temple, thereafter he takes you to the Tirumala Queue and joins you, now the time must be around 8:00 am, and as the que progresses you'll have darshan at around 11:00am. as you come out he gives u the option of shopping for a while and brings you down to tirupathi hotel for lunch and after that the Bus leaves to bangalore probably at around 8:30pm.
But VARSHA TRAVELS departure was at 10:45pm reaches tirupati at 4:30am. you get the darshan at 3:00pm lunch at 6:45pm departure from tirupati at 7:30pm and arrive in Bangalore at 12:45am now catch the auto and pay another huge sum since u reach so late your next day is screwed up. so be with the tested and proven guys ITDC OR GREENLINES
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