On Dec 17, 2006, HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja graced the city of Pune with his srimad Bhagwatam lecture. Like every year in the month of gita marathon, maharja visits Pune ISKCON to inspire devotees to sistribute books with more enthusiasm.
He gave a lecture on SB 1.8.37, where Maharani Kunti is praying to Lord Krishna, saying that "now that we have no one else to protect us and we have enemies all around, you are leaving for dwarka" He told that all the devotees shd aspire for this kind of surren
der. Even after winning the battle and having so much, Kunti devi still remain dependent on madhusudan for protection. Like this we should also not falsely think that our money, power or relatives will save us from dangers. We should be under only one protection and that is under the feet of Lord Mukunda. But at the same time we should not be lazy to remain dependent on Krishna for our daily livelihood. Like pandavas we should fight.
After this powerful lecture, Bhima Prabhu, another senior disciple of Prabhupada talked about the glory of book distribution.
Then Maharaja was presented with a gift which was a Gita Cover. Made with red clothe and beautifully embroidered it is perhaps the best thing to come up in this trancendental month.
Then maharaja sang the hare krishna mantra, which led to a a great dancing kirtan for 15-20 minutes. All the devotees danced and danced like anything.
After this all the devotees honored a sumptuous feast prasadam.
May this day come again and again.
Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj Ki jai.
He gave a lecture on SB 1.8.37, where Maharani Kunti is praying to Lord Krishna, saying that "now that we have no one else to protect us and we have enemies all around, you are leaving for dwarka" He told that all the devotees shd aspire for this kind of surren

After this powerful lecture, Bhima Prabhu, another senior disciple of Prabhupada talked about the glory of book distribution.
Then Maharaja was presented with a gift which was a Gita Cover. Made with red clothe and beautifully embroidered it is perhaps the best thing to come up in this trancendental month.
Then maharaja sang the hare krishna mantra, which led to a a great dancing kirtan for 15-20 minutes. All the devotees danced and danced like anything.
After this all the devotees honored a sumptuous feast prasadam.
May this day come again and again.
Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj Ki jai.